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The Eerie Concentration of Returns

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Jun 24, 2023

Thanks David, very insightful as usual.


Nick van Rensburg
Jun 23, 2023

Great post

Big tech pays very little tax and employs very few people as mentioned.

US corporate tax is some of the lowest globally as % of total tax take, at less than 10%

It’s always laughable when they claim Silicon Valley is “democratising” something or the other, as it’s doing the exact opposite, by centralising power, driving the wealth divide and yet paying very little tax. Ironically individuals pay much more tax than corporates in America, which proves how “bought” the system is

It seems crazy to think their tax bills won’t increase. They should be the most heavily taxed companies, especially as AI takes off

Jun 24, 2023
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Jun 22, 2023

Let's say we are going through a revolution as great as the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century. In that case, a few privileged companies will rise to the top. Standard Oil. Southern Pacific Railroad. Carnegie Steel. And that would prompt two things. A boom as everyone tries to own shares in these companies. And increased market power, as these companies buy influence. In some states, I am sure these big trusts controlled the legislature or could appoint senators and congressman. Is that different than Pfizer and Raytheon having board members who serve in the government?

Nvidia, Microsoft, Google are priced like they will control the machines in the future. Karl Marx would say they own the means of production.…


Unknown member
Jun 22, 2023

Hello David, Thanks for your post.

Do you have any data on how much federal tax these big 7 are paying or not paying and what the tactics they employ to avoid those taxes ?


Rob S.

Jun 24, 2023
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Effective tax rates in q1

Apple - 15%

Google -17%

Microsoft - 19%

Meta - 21%

Apple relocated its overseas operation to Ireland then to Jersey


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