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Why is Russia winning the economic war?

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John Gabriel
19 juil. 2022

Yes very interesting he sacked his childhood friend. I'm sure he's already lost most of any backing he had in the eastern Ukraine where there's a lot of ethnic Russians and it's been destroyed. The mostly ethnic Ukrainians in the west is a different story imo. We'll see if that changes as Putin heads that way.


John Gabriel
19 juil. 2022

Trying to stay constructive and realistic here. Why would Putin want to give up what he's "paid for" for lack of a better term? Putin has just about everything he asked for before the invasion with the exception of one thing. For Ukraine to disarm. That in my opinion is what any upcoming agreement will involve and I don't see how NATO accepts that.

Membre inconnu
19 juil. 2022
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Hi John, Yes, very sad. It is interesting that Zelensky just sacked his head of security and chief prosecutor over "treason" charges? Is it possible that the internal opposition against him is growing? His head of security is even his childhood friend? If Zelensky loses the backing of his people then the war will end soon after. I don't want to say that this is already here but I can see it coming


Jeremy Martin
19 juil. 2022

Why guess if it is possible to discuss with Putin's Russia. An acceptable outcome would be Putin gives up his claim on Ukraine and has a peace deal with Ukraine and NATO, whatever that looks like.

What would he want in return? Recognition that he is running a perfectly good economy, country better that most western Governments (so says David) and what else.

There was an opportunity to sort this out but the EU pushed the point too far. So an agreement would be some place better for Russia than what was on the table before the invasion.

Or we accept it is OK for people like Putin to take what they want with force death and destruction.


John Gabriel
19 juil. 2022

Open to criticism but here my two cents on your possible outcomes: - The world can't stop buying Russian oil unless new supply comes on. That's why we're making nice with Maduro. The US and Canada can start drilling but oil companies would want higher prices/tax incentives to make it work economically, it's politically unpopular and it would take months to do. - As to NATO going in to join the fight where is the oil going to come from right away? We're already draining the SPR and Europe is going to be freezing in a few months unless they get gas levels higher. On top of that the odds of nuclear conflict increase greatly. And what's to stop China from …


Jeremy Martin
19 juil. 2022

We all agree we are all brilliant with hindsight. The question is, what should be done about the war now.

Those who can, have to decide if its ok to let Putin destroy a substantial percentage of Ukraine.

They have to determine, if they let Putin continue, when or where will they combine to stop him.

Or are they betting Putin will stop of his own accord. What are the odds an that happening David?

No one knows where Putin is taking this current strategy.

Possible out comes: Putin continues until he has control of a portion of Ukraine, until he has control of all of Ukraine, and a bit of Moldova (we are here already so might as well…

Membre inconnu
19 juil. 2022
En réponse à

Jeremy, You are of course right that I could not be more wrong thinking that Russia would not attack. However, from day 1 I have said that western sanctions would backfire and that Russia was making more progress on the ground than western propaganda would have us believe. So far I have been right about that.

In terms of the end game, I think we can rule out that China,India, Brazil, South Africa, Saudi Arabia Indonesia and most of the developing countries will join the western sanctions. They all realize that if the US led sanctions against Russia were to succeed, these could be used against them in the future. They all understand that this is a fight between globalism…


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