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Unknown member
Oct 29, 2022

I’m an Elon Musk skeptic. Just as one can follow along the news cycle during the covid outbreak and the numerous examples of hypocrisy and conflicts of interests, one can pay attention to Musk’s words and actions and how they evolve over time as things change. For example:

1. Musk made the offer towards the start of the year, prior to him thinking the economy was starting to sour quickly, and while TSLA was flying sky high and TWTR was relatively beaten down, which I could attribute to him looking for an excuse to sell TSLA stock masquerading as goodwill, or finding a time to cheaply purchase an outlet that would amplify his power like WaPo with Bezos.

2. Then,…

Oct 29, 2022
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All good observations. I think Musk is asset rich but relatively cash poor, hence his occasional need to sell some nonsense product like a flamethrower or perfume to raise cash. It is possible that he wants to cash out of Tesla and needs an excuse to avoid tanking the stock.

My original thesis was that he was buying Twitter to help Republicans win elections so that there isn't a billionaire tax implemented. That goal isn't really served by letting Twitter become an echo chamber for right wing conspiracy theories, so it is possible that his actions will be the same whether he is being altruistic or selfish with Twitter.


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