The Ukraine war will continue because it benefits special interests without any perceived cost. The military industrial complex and energy producers make money, and that money gets funneled back to the politicians. It doesn't matter to Biden, Congress, and the US military how many people die in the Ukraine. It should matter to Germany, France, Italy and UK that their energy costs are up huge and that their industrial base is at severe risk but Europe (certainly the EU) are serfs to US interests. None of them even care about protests from their citizens.
This war looks a lot like Vietnam. And the only reason Vietnam stopped after 7 years was that Americans despised the war enough to protest and…
I recommend to read the National Security Strategy from the Biden-Administration released on October 12, 2022 to understand the strategic priority to constrain Russia by supporting Ukraine.
The Ukraine war will continue because it benefits special interests without any perceived cost. The military industrial complex and energy producers make money, and that money gets funneled back to the politicians. It doesn't matter to Biden, Congress, and the US military how many people die in the Ukraine. It should matter to Germany, France, Italy and UK that their energy costs are up huge and that their industrial base is at severe risk but Europe (certainly the EU) are serfs to US interests. None of them even care about protests from their citizens.
This war looks a lot like Vietnam. And the only reason Vietnam stopped after 7 years was that Americans despised the war enough to protest and…
I recommend to read the National Security Strategy from the Biden-Administration released on October 12, 2022 to understand the strategic priority to constrain Russia by supporting Ukraine.